Compass 2021 Retreat Block Party
Designed and produced by THE FIRM. The 2021 Compass REtreat wrapped with a casual afternoon pub crawl along the infamous Rainey Street in downtown Austin. Bangers served as the party hub with a stylish beer garden setup with lounge furniture and themed florals; authentic smokehouse style BBQ stations; Armadillo Races, Chicken Sh*t Bingo and an amazing performance by the Gus Miller Band. @compass @bangersaustin @gusmillerband @thesparksagency @thefirmeventdesign @designer8furniturerental
#compass #compassREtreat #compassREtreat21 #austin #austinevents #bangersaustin #gusmillerband #thesparksagency #bbq #thefirmeventdesign #designer8furniturerental